Industrial Cybersecurity vs. Physical Security: Which is More Important

October 15, 2021

Industrial Cybersecurity vs. Physical Security: Which is More Important

Industrial automation systems are used to control and monitor industrial processes, and they play a vital role in keeping the economies of many countries running. However, the increasing number of cyber-attacks on industrial automation systems has raised concerns about their security. In this blog post, we will compare the importance of industrial cybersecurity and physical security and determine which one is more important.

Industrial Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, theft, damage, and other threats. Cyber threats have become more sophisticated, and the number of attacks on industrial automation systems has increased significantly in recent years. For example, the NotPetya cyber attack in 2017 caused widespread damage to many industrial automation systems worldwide and resulted in losses of up to $10 billion.

Industrial cybersecurity involves implementing security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, and other security tools to protect against cyber threats. It also involves training employees to be aware of cybersecurity risks and implementing policies, procedures, and best practices to prevent cyber attacks.

Physical Security

Physical security, on the other hand, refers to the protection of people, assets, and information from physical threats such as theft, vandalism, and terrorism. Physical security measures include access controls, surveillance systems, security guards, and alarms, among others.

While physical security measures do not directly address cyber threats, they can help prevent physical attacks that could compromise industrial automation systems. For example, physical security measures such as access controls can prevent unauthorized access to computer systems, thus reducing the risk of cyber attacks.

Which is More Important?

Both industrial cybersecurity and physical security are critical for the protection of industrial automation systems. However, the importance of each depends on the specific risks and threats faced by the system. For example, for a system that is located in a high crime area, physical security may be more important than cybersecurity.

According to a survey conducted by the Industrial Internet Consortium and the IoT Security Foundation, 53% of respondents consider industrial cybersecurity to be the most important security concern for industrial automation systems, while 39% consider physical security to be the most important.

In conclusion, industrial cybersecurity and physical security are equally important for the protection of industrial automation systems. It is essential to assess the specific risks and threats faced by the system and implement appropriate security measures to address those risks.


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